Monday 1 October 2012

My 2 Sunshine awards !!!!

Yaaaayyy! two more awards!
Actually I was nominated for these long time back! but couldnt post it!
My cute blogger friend Samanita from Makeup & Beauty & Nivedita of   has awarded these precious awards to me!
Thanks alot gurls!!!

1. What do you feel your purpose is in life? -
To be successful in whatever I do!

2.What is your favorite book? -
uhhh... Vogue! lol its a magazine!

3. Who or what inspires you most in life?
I takes everything as inspiration around me!

4. Would your rather donate time or money?

 5. What are your best qualities? -
Im very friendly! I can be some ones' great friend, & im good at keeping secrets too!

6. If you were an organ in the body which would you be and why? -

7. Why do you blog? -
Because I love doing it! I love sharing my views & thoughts..

8. What is your greatest accomplishment? -

9. Who is your role model/ hero and why? -
never though of this..

10. If you could be anything or anyone in the world,what would it be and why?
I like being myself.. but a bit slimmer thought! LOL!

Now nominating some of my fellow bloggers!
Apoorva of
Sophia of 

1. Include award logo in a post or on your blog page. 
2. Answer (10) questions about yourself. 
3. Nominate 10-12 other fabulous bloggers. 
4. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blog, letting them know about the award. 
5. Share the love and link the person who nominated you. 
6. Leave a link with your answers in comment section.


Want to say some thing? Please feel free to leave a comment below! I will definitely reply you!

Kind request not to leave your blog links in the comments unless anything specific!

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