Thursday 27 December 2012

Style # 6 of Style it with MF & EIL Contest

Hey gurls!
Here is the 6th entry for Style it Contest with MF & EIL ! This entry is from Nivedita of

I have been so excited that my cousin was getting married - was not only because of his new life of togetherness, but also because I had the chance to dress up and show off. Well, who doesn’t? I had almost missed this giveaway when I learnt of it. Now, the chance of showing off and the amazing goodies that Shourima has for the giveaway is a kind of treat! So, who can miss this?

Unfortunately, amongs't the hullabaloo since I was not the celebrity of the day , when I returned home on the next day, I realized I did not have many a full profile. I had to crop from one photo and hence the resolution is low.
Still, not participating doesn’t  give me any chance of a prize. Does it? Hope you like this look.

Why this look? The venue was a five hour journey on the highway. By that time, if my ensemble was too heavy, things might have messed up. At the same time, I wanted to stand out a bit. In most Bengali weddings, people would put on everything glamorous and glittery which I was afraid to do because of the journey.
The saree is a silk with prints, light golden thread-works and a few sequins.
I paired it with golden eyes with plenty of liners and hot bright pink lips. A pink that imparts ‘pinched’ effect from Bourjois.
For accessories I put on a silver hasli, danglers and a simple bracelet. On my left, I wore my rose gold chunky wristwatch from Titan ( not shown here)

Nivedita you look very pretty here! I love the color of your saree. But I can see you have done a good job with the make up even if you were in a hurry to get dressed!
All the best!

Send your entries soon to
See more details of the contest here Style It Contest with MF & EIL!


  1. Nivedita ur saree is so beautiful... nd ur eye makeup too...:)

  2. Thank you Sharmistha and Dolon!! I really wish the makeup shpwed up better in the photos. I had actually loved the result :)


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